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Superior job fair 2011, daily jang cultural wind and superior university

Superior job fair 2011, daily jang cultural wind and superior university
January 12, 2011 Wednesday venue superior university raiwind road Lahore. Free pick and drop. Participating organizations: Abb, advance telecom, al razi health care, ali akbar group, allainet, alm hr, bizcubator networks, brain telecom, brighto paints, crescent bahuman, cupola pakistan kfc, cure md, cwcd, dalda foods, dhl, diamond jumbolon, eden housing ltd, eventure solutions, four brothers group, future concern associates, future now technologies, gea westfalia, ghani group of companies, gourmet pakistan, green origin pvt ltd, haleeb foods, hotel one, hush puppies,, ib & m uet Lahore, idara teleem o agahi, infotech, innovative biscuits, kashf foundation, Kohinoor mills ltd, levi strauss pakistan, lucky plastic industries, man diesel and turbo pakistan, master textile mills, metlife alico, metro cash and carry, millat equipments ltd, nestle pakistan ltd, nets, netsol technologies, Olympia chemicals, orient electronics, packages pvt ltd, pakistan today, pel, pharma health pakistan, pia, qadri group of companies, qarshi industries, ravi motorcycles, riaz brothers pepsi cola, roshan packages,, samin textile, sanpak engineering, sapphire textile mills, schazoo pharmaceuticals, shapes, shuakat khanum cancer hospital, sidat hyder morshed associates, stylo shoes, tcs pvt ltd, the resource management, the superior solutions, urban sole, velorium pvt ltd, warid telecom, women empowerment group

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